Dwight Mcleish Jr

Building refined applications and web experiences. Exploring the rich landscape of design. Software Engineer at Spectrumware LLC.

In the past I was a business systems analyst for Elead1One.


Return to a whimsical reddit experience


Add pet adoptions listing with this secure API

Quicky create proposal for your clients

Form created using React and shadcn/ui


Return to simplicity


Honing my craft through building. I appreciate every opportunity to learn and grow my skills.

I genuinely enjoy problem solving and there is an endless array of challenges to face. I'm grateful for the people I get to work and collaborate with.

Hobbies include 3D design and photography. You should check out Outer Wilds for an unforgettable experience. I'll leave You with a song I like.


Reach me at dmcleishjr@gmail.com

My Resume